All About Alpaca
Mary Crosby
Mary Crosby will teach us about Alpaca and how best to prepare and spin this fiber. Mary, “The Fiber Elf,” is a knitting teacher, but she is much more than that. She spins, dyes yarn and fiber with natural dyes, and is now a retired school nurse. She teaches Madison Wool’s Thursday Night Knitters classes as well as classes on other knitting and fiber topics. There will be at $10.00 per person fiber fee.
What to bring:
Spinning wheel in good working order or a drop spindle
$10 fiber fee
2 bobbins
Lazy kate
Niddy noddy
And, if possible,
Mini combs
Drum carder
Please remember that our December meeting is a Pot Luck Lunch. Participants should bring a dish to share plus an ingredients list.
We will also be taking a $50.00 deposit for Amy King’s Sunday, February 6 class. Sunday’s class will be held in South Glastonbury’s Grange Hall on Main Street. The class is limited to 20 spinners. Amy’s Saturday class will be held in our regular location, St. John’s Episcopal Church in West Hartford and there is no instruction fee for members (however a materials fee will apply).
Meeting Information:
Time: 8:30 – 2:30, including program, lunch break, business meeting.