Spinning Across America (and Around the World) — TerriSpins

Washington/Alaskan Cruise, Part 11

2023-07-01 and 02 Saturday and Sunday
Seattle, Washington

Heading to Seattle, the last stop before our Alaskan Cruise!

We took advantage of the extra day before we needed to board our ship to explore a little bit of Seattle.

Part of our motley group for the Alaskan Cruise 😍

Washington/Alaskan Cruise, Part 9

2023-06-28 Wednesday
Idaho and Washington State

Cracker Barrell
Smelterville, Idaho

Every now and then, we stay overnight in the RV parking in a Cracker Barrel parking lot. The advantage to this is that I don’t have to make breakfast the next morning! 😁
But do you know what’s even better? Having breakfast with a fellow fiber artist and then spinning in the parking lot afterwards!

More mountains!

The Columbia River

The Coulee Dam

Omak, Washington

Breakfast with a fiber friend is a great way to start the day and it’s even better when you can end the day with another fiber friend!
Back in 2012, at my second SOAR, I took a class with Stefenie Gaustad on Spinning for Historical Replication and Reenactment. In that class, I met another Terri (it’s unusual for there to be two Terris in the room and even more unusual for us to both spell our names the same way).
Since we both Terri with an “i”, she became “Terri of the Sheep”, and I was
“Terri of the Shawl.” I think this photo explains why! 😉

Washington/Alaskan Cruise, Part 8

2023-06-27 Tuesday
Montana and Idaho

Today, we crossed the Continental Divide (a boundary that separates a continent’s river systems) in Montana.
I thought I had taken spinning pictures here but now I can’t find them 😞

I found it fascinating that the mountain on one side of the road was lush and green and covered with trees but on the other side it was rocky and mostly treeless.

Hello, Idaho!

Washington/Alaskan Cruise, Part 7

2023-06-26 Monday
North Dakota and Montana

As we left Meadowlark Beef, even the cattle came out to say goodbye 😉

The Yellow Sweet Clover and the Sage that grows wild give off such a great scent.

The Badlands in North Dakota

Custer Trail - Medora, North Dakota

Montana, here we come!

Is it any wonder why they call this “Big Sky Country”?