Wondrous Woolens
Join us via Zoom for this program with Stephenie Gaustad.
Woolen yarns are really quite unique. First off, not all of them are wool. “Woolen” means that they are built by choices: the fiber, its preparation, a unique drafting style and the yarn’s finish. Experience these by participating in this Zoom workshop to produce cushy, warm and super elastic yarns, using carded and cloud preparations and the “woolen” draw. Then learn how to finish these yarns to preserve their elasticity, loft and warmth.
You may sit and listen, or participate. To participate, you should have a functional spinning device: wheel or spindle with which you are comfortable; wool hand carders and sample fibers either from your stash or those we will make available for purchase. Sample fibers are now available for order in 4-oz. packages for $10.00 each. The package includes 2 oz. of a washed natural wool, and 2 oz. of roving in either white or shades of red/pink, or shades of blue, or shades of yellow. Deadline for ordering is Sunday, May 30 in order to allow enough me for shipping. Order on our website nutmegspinners.org
Who may participate: This meeting is limited to current Guild members. As a reminder, this guild meeting is reserved for members only. If you have received the newsletter but your membership has lapsed, you may renew up unl June 5 to participate in the program, and your membership will be good for the following year.