If you looking for new and interesting ways to stretch a braid of fiber, spinning a crepe or cable yarn is a good alternative to a marled yarn. Maybe you’re looking for a different way to combine braids with different colorways.
Crepe yarns are a plied yarn and a single plied together. A cable yarn is a plied yarn plied with another plied yarn. These novelty yarns can also be a way to expand your yarn options in fabric construction.
Early Bird Pricing – Ends January 31, 2023 $125.00
Regular Pricing – Beginning February 1, 2023 $150.00
Skill Level: Intermediate
Technique: Spinning
Prerequisites: None
Kit Cost: $25.00 payable to the instructor.
Kit Contents: Kit includes fiber and handouts.
Supplies Students Must Bring: Note taking supplies, a spinning wheel in good working order, extra bobbins, lazy kate, and a niddy noddy.
Homework: Pre-spin ½ or so ounces of singles (solid color) before the class, yarn should be spun firmly but not overspun.